Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bits and pieces of escape

Lire l’original en français

Breathe in, ocean fragrance. Breathe out to clear out the screen of a moth. Breathe in, feces fragrance. Breathe out, happy to see that here, composting toilets are Queens. Here, away from “civilisation”, they’re trying to preserve environment and it smells good in the soul even if the foul-smelling prevails. I’m in Agnes Water, in the woods, near the ocean and wild turkeys. Here’s a “scoop” (Marc wrote his blog yesterday, and here things change so fast!): we’re trying to settle here… Tomorrow, I’ll take a stroll down THE street (it’s so small) to try and find a job. But I’ll spare details of this place for next week; I want to share “bits” of my last adventures with you.

A few days ago, it rained, and we saw tons of smiles light up on our way. It was funny to hear the opposite from home: “Oh Thanks! You brought rain with you.” We realize a little more that we are on the driest continent of the world (Marc tells me to correct: the 2nd, after Antarctica).

Yet another huuuuuge letting-go: the entire Australian north coast is riddled with deadly jellyfishes. OH yeah, mate. And from November to May, none the less. We’ll have to put sexy aside and go to swim in a wet suit. There’re worst things than that, so we learn to be grateful for all the rest!

Here, everybody plays bowling green, all dressed up in white. Every time, I can’t help myself but shout the French equivalent “Boulingrin!” It’s such a funny word!

Every day of my life, I often think about the ones who suffer all over the world. It’s like a craving. A need to remember how lucky I am and the duty I have to share love, richness of the heart and happiness I’ve been carrying with me forever (by the way, thanks everyone for being instrumental to my joy!). And then, I really think a lot about immigrants. Here I am and I chose to go through all the hustle and bustle of finding a new nest, making new friends and finding a job. It was my choice. So, it makes me ponder…

There’re so many bugs on the screen!

Last chip of Australian reality. Come with me. Imagine yourself under the most beautiful full moon, round, just like my pregnant friends and orange like Uluru. She paints a widening silver path to the ocean. The steady sound of the waves urges us to lose ourselves on that path, to delve into our memory to find age-old times familiar to all, hidden in the meander of a dream. A procession of silent humans strolling towards the dunes, strangers reconciled by the power of the Earth. These ignored druids coming from all over the world to witness an event finding back its posterity: a Jurassic era creature giving birth to 150 young ones from which only a few percentage will survive. A huge turtle and 30 astounded humans. Dear friends, there’s hope.

Love you!

See HIS view
See His and Hers Pictures

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