Monday, December 28, 2009


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Beauty everywhere

Beauty, and you, who are in the midst of it.

For sure, sometimes a cloud passes over and for a moment, I lose the magnificence. But, it comes back with a vengeance, perfuming my entire life, reminding me of my luck and duty to be filled with wonder! I just love it when our eyes are bewitched by new beauties. Sometimes, we meet people whose eyes light up more and more every day. We learn to know them, their uniqueness is revealed to us and they suddenly are a source of inspiration.

When we first started our journey on the “Bruce Highway”, I didn’t have enough eyes to record every meander of the eucalyptus branches and every warm nuance of the melaleucas’ bark… Then, I lacked water in this almost completely dry continent. The grizzly and squirrel in me were yearning for the coolness of a fern edged stream. Suddenly, Magic... Just like the larva metamorphoses into a dragonfly, the landscape mutates into this food for soul, fascinating and bringing me a smile every day. When I go to work or come back from it, huge gum trees, with scattered foliage seem to take advantage of the little wind there is to choreograph the most beautiful dance of the moment. Their tall silhouettes emerge from the thin tall grass, so much liked by kangaroos and shatter on a shiny blue sky sprinkled with immaculate white mounds. I’m sweating beads of happiness from being addicted to this feeling of discovery, adaptation and fascination. From always being more than satisfied with my surroundings of the moment.

This feeling of constant happiness however, requires constant efforts, which I just love doing, of course! For example, to me, the expression “Our daily bread” is one with all the loaves I have to throw away every day. I was feeling so good in my bubble, far from the painful realities of the food industry … For sure, I bring some to selected close friends, but this town is so small, if I start giving even a small part of what we throw away, there won’t be any more clients! Every time, it breaks my heart. And there is the paper, which, for hygiene reasons, we must use to clean and dry everything, and the stinking smell of chlorine on my hands, even at night, and the non-existing recycling... Just like at the hostel, by the way. Being the good citizen that I am, I called on the council to enquire about the operation of waste collection. Reassured, I now ask my colleagues for their empty bottles and bring them to the bins on the beach. Seeing their reactions, I hope, one day, they’ll recycle by themselves… But, as mentioned before, it’s not enough to lose my enthusiasm for every new day life brings me!

See HIS view
See His and Hers Pictures

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