Monday, November 16, 2009


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What a name! Manly as in “virile”, Manly as in “Stéphanie must get used to muscles and high heels shining all day on the beaches”… Joke aside, for my first web chronicle, I had promised myself to only talk about nice and unusual findings…Don’t worry! I did make unusual findings. However … I can’t help but talk about what keeps me alive, what dazzle me, and that is people. Up till now, people are very helpful and smiling, they have a charming accent, but their smiles are generally very different from the magical smiles of my usual surroundings. Let me place you into context: We are in Sydney, very dense city and suburbs, where people pay $600 per WEEK for a flat (mas o menos…). So I’m under the impression that people feel obligated to have the look and attitude often associated with money and beaches. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, I don’t want to judge, I know people all around have souls full of secret gardens, but I realize how lucky we are to value well-being, to choose to be happy according to simple and healthy standards. Congratulations everyone. Anyway, all this unfinished sociological mumbo jumbo to tell you that the first 4 days, I didn’t meet one energy, one smile, one pair of eyes that touched me. Except of course, the Spanish hostel community where we have spent the last 8 days, or the friends we made through them. It was however, a most educational fashion lesson! You cannot, but really cannot imagine all these dresses, perched shoes, tiny feathered hats I passed by downtown and on the Northern Beaches! Since there is positive in everything, I can tell you I found all this very inspiring! But I still believe one should take a class before taking venturing out on 30 cm heels!!! To get back to the beauty of the heart, here is a guide for the Spanish hostel where we have stayed and its surroundings adventurers:

Place: Wonderful apartment, overlooking Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve, with a view of the ocean and smell of jasmine.

Inhabitants :Julie Plasse (Québec, Magog!!!): (Finally, I meet her!!!) magnificent young woman, completely full of drive and pretty for 3, generous for 10, having travelled and hiked for 12 and who magically fell in love with:

Martin Anderson (Denmark): Research scientist, reflecting calm, humour and generosity.

Stephan (Swiss-German): Rather reserved, very funny, sailor and biker.

Nicole (Germany): Almost doctor in biology, studying effects of climate changes on allergies (and who wants Marc’s blood!!!!).

André (Portugal): Super kind, undisturbed, always eager to help (like everyone else, as a matter of fact), almost doctor in marine biology.

Beautiful friends:
Cherise: One of the mossssst beautiful girls in the world (see the picture) studying Ayurveda and who is simply magical.
Nick: One of the mossssst handsome guys in the world, in love with Cherise, who is super misssster permaculture! Yay!
There, can’t wait to write about our friends the critters, but don’t want to saturate you! Hugs and kisses “mates”!

See HIS view
His and Hers Videos
His and Hers Pictures

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